„Children in Child Protection" – Expertise „Kinder im Kinderschutz" in englischer Sprache

This publication focused on the perspectives of the children in question. In particular, the question of the extent to which the needs and desires of the children are being respected and incorporated into the process was investigated. This is an explorative study based on an empirical analysis of ten child-protection cases stemming from five of the ten communities chosen for the study. Here, the authors of the study argue for drastically increasing the participation of children and adolescents in the process of child protection.
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In 2008, the National Centre on Early Prevention in Childhood (NZFH) – sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth, as part of a resolution by the State Governors and the German Chancellor – received the task of establishing a “platform for the regular exchange of experiences on problematic child-protection interventions.” This task arose after a number of severe cases came to the public attention in which neglect or abuse had led to the death of children. The deaths of Kevin, Lea Sophie and Jessica initiated an intensive public debate about how best to protect children in Germany.
The study of this subject showed, first, how multifarious this matter is and, second, how urgent a carefully prepared analysis is in order to avoid jumping to conclusions that do not do justice to the cases at hand as well as to those persons involved in protecting children. It also became clear that the empirical analysis of such problematic child protection cases can be useful in the future only if the results are helpful in achieving qualitative improvements in the system of child protection. To this end a research project entitled “Learning from Mistakes” was publicly tendered and eventually awarded to the Kronberger Kreis für Qualitätsentwicklung e.V. (Kronberg Circle for Quality Development) and the Alice Salomon University in Berlin. The researchers envisioned a concept of a process of quality development supported by a dialogue between several partners, the goal being to do justice to the various dimensions present in difficult child-protection interventions.
German Version „Kinder im Kinderschutz"
Reinhart Wolff, Uwe Flick, Timo Ackermann, Kay Biesel, Felix Brandhorst, Stefan Heinitz, Mareike Patschke and Pierrine Robin